Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer support after I arrive at my study destinations?

Yes, we provide post-arrival support to help you settle into your new environment and navigate any challenges you may encounter.
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How long does the application process take?

The application process time-line varies depending on the university and country. On average it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Our team will provide you with a customized time-line based on your specific situation.

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What are the costs involved in your services?

We offer competitive pricing for our services. For detailed information on our service fees, please contact us directly or schedule a free consultation.

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How do I apply for a scholarship?

Our team will help you identify scholarship opportunities and assist you with the application process,including writing scholarship essays and preparing necessary documents.

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What services does Amplus global offer?

We offer a comprehensive range of services including university selection, application assistance, visa guidance, scholarship opportunities, and pre-departure support

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